"The Indian way of keeping the body clean"

The white man back in the colonization days who characterized the Indians as untidy and stinky, was very wrong. Because the Indians were very cleanly, while the people in the "Civilized" Europe improved their body odour with perfume and powder and dressed up them self with knickknacks-jewellery, tiepins and such, without having a wash before, the Indians toke regular bath. They used to take bath in rivers and lakes and scrubed their body with the leave of an certain kind of fern, which gave away an purify foam. Even brushes made out of grass and reeds were used.And even vapourbath similar to the finnish sauna, were well known conceptions to the Indians.


The headgear an Indian use to to wear often unveild what tribe he belonged to and what status he had. The SiouxIndians in Dakota for instance had an panache, were every feather had an special meaning. A red feather ment a dead enemy, a feather divided in two ment that the bearer had been wounded in battle. Many Indians used a furcap during the winter, and decorated them with feathers and ribbons. The Medicine man and the Chiefs sometimes put horns on their furcap.The Apaches never used anything than the band around their forhead.

"Squaw and Papoose"

Both terms is from the Narraganset and means "Woman and Child". the white man thought that Squaw ment wife and this apprehension got spread out to other Indian tribes. The squaw lived a very hard life, she was the one who carryed out all the heavy work. But she was by no means the humble and timid maid as the white man thought she was. She had alot to say and toke part in, like with the Irokes, in the tribe council. The Indians liked children very much, they seldom killed their enemies children, not even the whites, instead they prefered to adopt them.


The dead were wraped up in hides, and were tied up with shreds. They were buried with their most precious belongings and  weapons. The rifle were wraped up with the dead and then they were put up on a platform made out of wooden poles, were they also put up the dead mans shield. Some tribes even put up food because they belived that the dead would need it on the other side.

"The Totem pole"

Totem poles were made by tribes living on the Northwest Coast and skilfully carved from Cedar trees. These tribes livied in large wooden family houses and the poles were originally internal house posts carved with family crests. They were later used to line house fronts, guard burial grounds and stand as sentries at the edge of villiages. Each totem of crest pole is a unique visual record of the owners family ancestry. The symbols were the thunderbird, bear, raven, wolf, whale, frog, beaver and man. These figures often had a combination of animal and human features. Before carving the totem pole the artist would make a small model of the sculpture to pbtain the approval of the person commissioning the pole.


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                                        "Midi music "Earth and sky" by Elan Michaels"


                                              "The artwork used to make this background is copyrighted and used by permission
                                        from the artist J.E.Knauf

                                           "Thank´s Deborah for the help with some of the info on this page"