American Goverment had big problems with controling the Indiantribes
that they had shoved together into different kind of reservations.To often there were disturbance between the Goverment representaive and
the Indians.
On May 27 1878 the Congress decided to form a so called Indianpolice (that is a police lasting with only Indians). Two Indian agents, McGillycuddy and John Clum, had showed that this was an effective metod to keep the Siuox and the Apache in check. According to the Congress, the Indianpolice main task were to prevent illegal bootlegging, supervise the distrubution of the foodration and the distrubution of the means funds, being in charge of and protecting Goverment propertis, return stolen properties to the rightful owner and to carry out warrant of arrest, etc etc. the Indianpolice peformed their task on a effective way and they were very lojal to their white employers even though they only got a smal and tragical wages, about 10-15 Dollars a month. Itīs an tragical fact that these Indianpolice often toke part in the capture or killing of many of the great Indian freedom fighters such as CRAZY HORSE, GERONIMO and SITTING BULL... |
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