( Please be patient  the images could take a little time to load )


On this page I´ve put up some of my own made artwork.
Since I got Adobe Photoshop 5,0 I´ve made a lot of new images ,backgrounds and banners for my own and others sites. I really love this program. But I also use Indian ink and watercolour when I make my images.

If you would like to use any of my backgrounds just send me a mail and let me know which one you like. All I ask in return is that you give me credit for my work with a link back to my site...


The first two banners below is something I made for two of my own sites, the other one is one I made for a real great wolf site "WOLFMATES", don´t forget to take a visit over there...




These images here is just something that I made for fun.







Well as you can see I´ve removed the backgrounds, and thats because there are so many now, that it takes to much space to put them up here. Instead I´ve made a new site were I´ve put up my new and old backgrounds. So if you are looking for backgrounds for your own site. Just click on the image bellow and you will come to my new graphic site BLACK HAWK DESIGNS.......



[ History ] [ Black Hawk ] [ Geronimo ] [ Crazy Horse ] [ Chief Joseph ]
[ Sitting Bull & The Sioux Nation ] [ The Saami people ] [ Trail of Tears ]
[ Sand Creek massacre ] [ Washita river massacre ] [ Battle of Little Big Horn ]
[ Wounded Knee massacre ] [ The legend of the white buffalo ] [ Words of wisdom ]
[ The native police ] [ The California cowboys ] [ American Indians in Ireland
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[ My artwork ]
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"Background made by Black Hawk Designs and may NOT be used without permission""

                                            "Midi music - Carrie"