
"When the first Europeans arrived, Columbus and his crew, he came and called us Indians, because of the obvious reason, he thought he was lost in India. But what did we call ourselves before Columbus came? Thatīs the question so often asked, and the thing is in every singel tribe, even today, when you translate the word that we each had for ourselves, without knowledge of eachother, it was always something that translated to basically the same thing. In our language itīs Ninuog, or the people, the human beings. Thatīs what we called ourselves. So when the pilgrims arrived here, we knew who we were, but we didnīt know who they were. So we called them Awaunageesuck, or the strangers, because the were the ones who were alien, they were the ones that we didnīt know, but we knew each other and we were the human beings."

- Tall Oak / Narragansett -


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 "Last updated"

  2002 - 07 - 24


      "Some of the old photos Iīve found on my path through the 
       net, and if you find anything that belongs to you please let me 
          know so I can give credit were credit is due, or remove them"

 "Midi music made by élan michaels"

"All backgrounds on this site is my own work and may not be used without my permission"

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